Saragosse - Espagne

Espagne Yt693 et 701 de1940

Vignette de bienfaisance?

Espagne YtBF165 de 2008 -  Hommage à Goya

 Espagne - Timbre personnalisé de 2008

 Ponts de Saragosse  Espagne- Bloc de 2013

The  Puente del Pilar, also known as the Iron Bridge crosses over the River Ebro in the city of Zaragoza. It was built in the late 19th century by the Spanish engineering company La Máquina Marítima y Terrestre specializing in the manufacture of metal bridges in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. It was one of the first fixed bridges in Zaragoza since up till then the only fixed bridge in town was the 15th  century Puente de Piedra. In 1991 it underwent a restoration directed by civil engineer Javier Manterola in which two arched side boards were added for the passage of vehicles reserving the central platform for pedestrians. The metal structure was painted in blue and white, the colours chosen in a popular vote.